Meeting Chair

Prof. Jian LU

City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Jian LU is Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, former Vice-President (Research &Technology) and Dean of graduate studies at the City University of Hong Kong. He was elected as academician of the National Academy of Technologies of France in 2011. He serves as Director of the Center for Advanced Structural Materials of City University of Hong Kong and Head of the Greater Bay Division of Shenyang National Laboratory for Material Science. He serves as the President of the Hong Kong Material Research Society (HK-MRS) and served as the President of Hong Kong Society of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HKSTAM). He commenced his undergraduate education in 1978 at Peking University where he was selected for a national scholarship for overseas study in 1979. He obtained the Dip. Ing., Master (DEA) degree and Doctoral degree from University of Technology of Compiegne France in 1984 and 1986 respectively. Professor LU’s primary research interest is advanced engineering materials and its integration in mechanical and biomedical systems using the combination of experimental mechanics and mechanical simulation. He has also branched out into several other areas of interest including surface science and engineering, biomechanics, residual stresses, and mechanics of nanomaterials. He has published more than 400 SCI journal papers including papers in Nature (cover story), Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, Advanced Functional Materials, PRL, Acta Materialia, and Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. He received the French Knight of the National Order of Merit and French Knight of the National Order of Légion d’Honneur in 2006 & 2017 respectively. He received the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award from the Chinese National Academy of Engineering in 2018.